Center on the Square

Performing Arts Center on the Square believes that theater is for people of all ages! Their shows always fall under one of two categories, Main Stage productions and Land O'Frost KidStage productions.

Main Stage productions are for community members of all ages and experience levels. Whether you have been on the stage 100 times or are looking to try something new, you have the opportunity to shine. The fear of public speaking is the number one phobia in the world. Theater offers an encouraging and safe environment to grow and gain confidence in yourself. Never let fear stop you! If you're still not interested in performing, they are always looking for people interested in sound, lighting, costume, make-up, hair, set construction, and more.

The KidStage program specializes in theater education for kids of all ages. KidStage teaches the basics in many areas of theater, from acting, singing, and dancing, to sound, lighting, costumes, make-up, hair, and set construction. Theater is beneficial to children in many ways, including gaining confidence, finding their voice, making friends, and giving them lifelong memories.


Searcy Bike Trail


Searcy Rialto